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2021 Conference Guide

The 2021 Network of Empowered Women Conference will be held virtually on Remo and Zoom. This year, delegates are free to choose which sessions they want to attend but must attend the 3 Mandatory Sessions. After choosing their preferences in the Delegate Survey they will be given a personalized schedule for the conference. They will be given a schedule that includes a minimum of 3 Breakout Sessions, 2 Panels, at least 1 Keynote Session. They must also give their top choices for the social and wellness events that they want to attend. The social and wellness events include a gift that corresponds to the activity for that social event which delegates will receive in their Swag Bag a few weeks before the conference. 


Check out our conference schedule below and click to find out more information!

2021 Conference Schedule -01.png
Conference Events

Mandatory Events | Remo

Mandatory sessions are to be attended by all delegates. This includes the opening night, the DirectHer Board Basics Workshop and the closing night.

Keynote Sessions | Remo

Keynote sessions are discussions or presentations by our sponsors on a specific topic that relates to NEW’s conference theme, “Amplify Your Voice: Leave a Legacy.”


Keynote sessions can have a maximum attendance of 50 delegates.

Breakout Sessions | Remo

Breakout sessions are discussions or presentations by our sponsors on a specific topic.


Breakout sessions can have a maximum attendance of 25 delegates.

Panels | Remo

Panels feature 3-4 experts discussing a question or topic about their field or industry. Delegates also have a chance to meet and ask the panelists questions.


The panels can have a maximum attendance of 25 delegates. 

Social and Wellness Events | Zoom

The social and wellness events are a chance for delegates to meet and interact with people across the country. Each event has a surprise gift included in your swag bag to enhance your experience.


The social and wellness events can have a maximum attendance of 50 delegates.

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